volatile organic compounds (VOCs) OSB SERVICES/OSB LAB      

   -Indoor Air Quality
-Emission Sources

  Sources and Air Quality  




OSB Services specializes in air quality testing and assessment with a view to defining problems and offering reasonable solutions. Very often, air quality is not the main issue but the surrounding environment which will contain emission sources that can degrade the air quality. The services offered are integrated with site sampling and laboratory testing, which together are considered one component or protocol. OSB Services has gained considerable industrial experience which enables it to identify sources of air contamination in environmental samples collected in any location and circumstance.

OSB Lab specializes only in VOC testing and is capable of resolving multiple input sources through forensic pattern analysis and recognition.


   -Indoor Sampling

   -Managing Indoor Air


  -Technical Documents
  -VOC Analytical
  -Chain of Custody
   Contact OSB          

OSB Services/OSB Lab

2759 Thamesgate Dr.
  Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L4T 1G5
Phone: 905 677 0022
Fax: 905 677 0029

Sources and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

The quality of indoor air is generally affected by three components. The first is outside air quality which varies greatly with seasons, weather and location. Outside air quality can be extremely degraded during difficult climatic conditions and the use of this replacement air without adequate treatment can lead to increased acute or chronic complaints.

Created by Aga



The second is the indoor environment and the human activity that takes place within the building envelope. The term "environment" includes building materials and accessories, cleaning products, and generally those things or materials which help each individual complete their daily functions within the building.



The third component is the method and effectiveness of ventilation. The ventilation of any building envelope has a direct relation to the improvement or worsening of the indoor air quality.


Air quality studies by OSB Services in the Greater Toronto Area have suggested that outside air quality can be good, and indoor air quality also can be good if the second component is negligible. Therefore there is a baseline for judging what can be achieved in terms of good and reasonable air quality indoors, and what improvements need to be made to assure that good indoor air quality is always maintained. Sometimes poor outdoor conditions can significantly degrade indoor air quality. This often occurs as episodes or events.